Welcome to UptonArt.net
posted January 27th, 2011 in Music,Site News
There’s a new CD viewer in testing, although it’s not “done-done,” so it’s not linked from the main music page. It pulls in cover art and Amazon associate links for just about every CD in my collection. As a result, I would not recommend loading it if you have limited bandwidth: 160x160px images for 800+ CDs. If you’re interested, you can check it out here.
I’m also in the process of beefing up the page for my music, including sub-sites for each of my recording projects. Currently, there are three recording projects, including Synaptic Disturbance, instrumental prog rock, Asymptotic Taste, moderately-unlistenable but fun-to-make improvisational noise, and Tianopta, electronic music. Right now basically all of the sites are stubs, but feel free to check out the music overviews and click through to BandCamp to listen to the music.
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