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Art Gallery Update (part 1)

posted January 12th, 2011 in Site News

I just made some changes to the gallery interface, including displaying larger images in the main template and providing a back button instead of just linking straight to the JPG.  This is probably something I should have done a long time ago.  I also hope to get an interface set up at some point to sell prints.  First I’d like to find a site that has reasonable middle-man charges.

Also, I have noticed one or two places that my pictures have shown up on other websites without asking me first (although at least they credited back here, even if only in text and without an actual link).  If you want to use something for some reason, please contact me at dan@uptonart.net and we can work something out.

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Adding affiliate links

posted January 3rd, 2011 in Site News

Something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now is add affiliate links to Amazon for my CD list.  Maybe I should look into adding iTunes affiliate links as well.  I did the first step tonight by writing a back-end interface to add cover art and Amazon affiliate links (where available).  I’ll also have to change the CD list viewer to take advantage of the information, but the more pressing point is the (long, boring) work of adding the links to 802 CDs.  But hey, maybe somebody will buy a CD through the links here and it will be worth it, right?

Now with WordPress!

posted December 31st, 2010 in Site News

I’ve been meaning to update this to a WordPress-based site forever now, in the hopes that that would get me to post more often.  I also keep meaning to change the layout, but every time I come up with something new I decide it’s not as good as what I have.  So, here’s to getting started with WordPress; I’ll have to work out static pages or otherwise set something up for the non-front page content.

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